Planet of the Apes (1968)

 "I'm a seeker too. But my dreams aren't like yours. I can't help thinking that somewhere in the universe there has to be something better than man. Has to be." - George Taylor.

I've been lucky today waking up and seeing this movie on T.V! I was so excited that I forgot that most of my family member are prepairing to leave and I didn't say goodbye. Planet of the Apes 68 is one of my favorite movies and it's in my DVD collection list. You have to see the movie to understand why I love this movie so much. I didn't watch the new version yet but I'm planning to see it tomorrow. Anyway, for those who don't know the movie. It's about an astronaut that his ship crashed down on a planet where the apes are in charge and humans are more like animals. George Taylor, among other humans, is captured and tourted by the apes. As soon as he regain his ability to speak, he was wounded in the neck, Taylor tries to explain to the ape society that his space ship crashed down around the shore and he was with other two astrounats that he soon finds out one of them is dead and the other is went under a surgery where they disabled his mind and logic. Taylor struggles to espose the truth but the heads of this society keep shut him down. What I like the most about this movie is the conflict between the science and religion. The apes have this beleif and they never go beyond it. Dr. Zaius is the character who makes sure no one go over what is believed in the apes world. He keeps ridicule Taylor in his efforts to make the apes believe that human are intellegents and so. You might hate Dr. Zaius in the beginning becuase even though he knows the truth he destroys every clue that supports Taylor's arguments. The ending is one of the most shocking movie-ending in history, and it has the same powerfull effect on me every time I see it.
[last lines]
Oh my God. I'm back. I'm home. All the time, it was... We finally really did it.
You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

For more information about this movie, click here.


  1. I like your new name :)

  2. Oh thank you! It's totally me xD

  3. Really?!
    I kind of got the feeling that your the total opposite.
    Don't get me wrong,I do think that your continuously swarmed up in a whirl of chaos.
    However,it's somewhat organized...
    in the sense that the chaotic aura that surrounds is in a way controlled.
    To the contrary of the existing name tag:-"Chaotic impulsion"
    If you were to ask me,I think the name "Organized Chaos" is a much more precise depiction of your personality.:D
    lol but that's just me drawing out your personality with the little information I have:P
    Besides everything, I LOVE PLANET OF THE APES!!!!!!!!!!
    mn a7la al aflaaam ^_^


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