New TV Shows

Hi, I'm Nouf and I'm a TV Junkie.. I watch a lot of TV shows and those following two shows are the newest TV shows I have been seen lately.

Starring two of my favorite comedians; Will Arnett and Maya Rudolph. The show is hilarious, it's about a couple who had a baby and they're trying to cope with their new life with the baby around!













Now this show is good and funny, but I still have my doubts. The story is cool, it's about a girl who just got out of a relationship and moved in with three guys. What I really didn't like is how Zooey is talking in this show, it's a bit of weird and it's maybe a part of the act, but still weird!


  1. i totally forgot about this show i will watch it next weekend isa :D
    up all night i think it's good show bs i hate the main actress

  2. I hate Christina too but she's good in the show, don't miss it!


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