From 2012 until 2013

2012 was the year of revelations to me; I have learned a lot about myself and about people around me, I have grown to be more understanding to the world and how life works. I used to be naive thinking people were as simple as I see them but after what I have been through, I'm seeing life in a different and more complicated scale. 

I was in tough situations at work that were more of continuous slaps on my face; I have seen hypocrisy, lies and injustice and I suffered from them all because I was the new naive girl. At first I was shocked, I cried and ran out of these situation looking for help but then I had enough. If no one cared, even those who were supposed to, I did care so I stood up for myself. Not until then when I realized that work is more like Snake & Ladders board game. One has to be extra cautious and extremely blunt when it comes to professional relationships.

If work was like a board game to me, then social life is a cheap commercial theater. I have been reminded by two of the most famous Shakespeare quotes;

All the world's a stage 
And all the men and women merely players.. 
Hell is empty and all the devils are here. 
I have been a target a couple of times for pointless gossips and mouth bashing which was really shocking for me looking to the fact that they don't know me, however, with time I reached a point of peace and acknowledgment. This is a universal issue, and it's probably their human "sick" nature that make them hate you, underestimate you, envy you and alway talk about you although you have nothing to do with them. If you ever came across this kind of situation, keep in mind that you have things they are dying to have, let them feed off their insecurities, envy and jealousy. And never stoop so low to their level. Keep you head high, always high.

Everything I have been through regarding this filled me with justified confident and contentment. And as the masks were falling off my walls were building up higher and stronger. I treat people with decency, my trust and respect is earned, not easily given. Me and my expanded family is always first, my very limited number of friends are never forgotten and my circle of networks has to be built on respect and good manners.

And as 2012 was coming to an end, one big issue was cleared out to me. I have always known the saying "Appearances can be deceiving"but never really lived it until now. People could be claiming that they are angels coming down from heaven, but you will never know what behind their shiny white wings. Little they know, the rotting filth that hiding behind their wings won't take too long to show.

In 2012, I grew 10 years wiser.
In 2012, I lost a few but gained a whole lot more.
In 2012, I became a whole new improved Nouf.

In 2013,  life won't be the same. I'm starting the year with my partner in life; not only life we share but love, respect and principles. 2013 will be great and I know the years to come will be amazing. I'm thankful for all the good and bad I had in my life, I'm thankful for everything that made me what I am right now.
