Tiny Toes Imprints...

My baby Sara is turning ONE on October so I made sure that I would have "a token" to represent this special event in my life. I chose Tiny Toes Imprints for this job, and boy they are doing amazing in it! The beautiful & talents lady behind Tiny Toes Imprints has been working on this project for couple of years now and I'm sure by the professionality of her work & the passion she has about it, Tiny Toes is going somewhere big! 

They made it so easy although Sara was crying all the time (Strangers' Anxiety), they were quick & clean.. The process was made in seconds & it was made well! I can't wait for the final plaque, I'm sure it will be as lovely as the lady who made it! 

Make sure to visit their website and follow their IG to keep up with their beautiful work. 
