Latest Reads..

I wanted to post about the last books I have read long while ago, I finally had the chance. All what I can say, they were all light & quick to read. 

It hurts me to say that after reading Paper Town, John Green's books feel all the same to me. I love John Green, I love his personality and his style of writing.. The way he makes the characters so familiar and how he makes the reader laugh but breaks his heart at the end? So John Green! Looking for Alaska is my favorite and I think it set the bar so high for him. When TFiOS went out, the hype was all over the internet but it didn't make me want to read it but when the movie was released, I was curious to read it. The book didn't prove me wrong, it's all felt the same for me except that the characters' have cancer. I enjoyed the story and how Green wrote it, it made me emotional thinking about cancer patients.. At then end, I can say that John Green knows how to break people hearts. 

This book was completely different from any book I have read before, it was so realistic I thought it was a memoir. A story of an Argentinian family moved to USA after situations in Argentina went very bad for them to stay. The story was narrated by Dani, the daughter, who is going through a lot by this change.. She struggles in her new school and with her depressed father and the end she comes out new and strong. I thought the book was inspiring, I really don't know why I was putting off on my to-read list. 

It's the first book I read in Arabic, the cover was mostly the reason and then the title. "What Happened to Saudis?" was an intriguing title especially for Saudis! I wasn't disappointed at all, the book delivers some answers and explanations for the question raised by the title. It's an observation about the changes that happened in the Saudi community throughout the time. You can relate to the book content as the author walk you through remarkable events happened in Saudi Arabia and their causes and effects. I love how he focused on our community's contradictories and explained it very well they finally made sense. The book is a light read, entertaining and suitable for book clubs' discussions. The author has a blog and he writes columns in local newspapers. 
