EGYPT: True Brotherhood.

These two photos in particular made me realize the true brotherhood of Egypt. Christians guarding Muslims while they pray and man comforts his fellow man. I didn't make the good job the photos deserve but I did all what I could.

May Allah be with Egypt and protect its people.


  1. it breaks my heart how he treats the ppl there and denying what he did :'( i can't enjoy anything in life until they get their freedom back and destroy him

  2. Touching! may allah be with them<3

  3. I am really proud of them ,,
    and I hope they get what they want asap ..
    praying for them <3

  4. I know you have a part of your family, there. I hope they're alright! Egyptians are known for their strong will, they'll make it enshallah <3

  5. I want for all of this to end because it's getting brutal and cruel by the minute! Ya rab!


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