Set Your Plans for 2017


With the ending of each year, I always have one thing to do. And that thing is buying a planner for the next year. Planning and organising are like a hobby for me and with time it became a habit I can't live without. I wrote a post about planners I used in the years before. 

Plan away ~ [Planners & Agendas Review]

But today, I'm going to talk about planners to use in the years to come! As I was looking for a planner to me, I came across many options. They were all great but I was looking for something new! 

from: Ban. do
But it was 17 months, and I really don't like that! 

from: Paperchase
But I wanted a different new experience. 

from: Moleskine
I thought of going back to basics but it was too plain and dull for me! 
Although Moleskine is my top favourite when it comes to notebooks! 

from: Kikki K
I was obsessed over Kikki K products long time ago but I think I'm totally over them by now. I felt they lack a bit of personality, I didn't see myself having a Kikki K planner at the moment. 


I wanted a new experience, a new touch and feel.. Something very different but yet so me! 
Thankfully, my sister recommended this.. 

from: Mossery
A Malaysian company that has a unique identity. I loved how they designed the inside pages to make it inspirational. It is different from all the planners I used before. It's not that flashy neither dull. 
It's just perfect! 

I spent maybe a week or two try to decide.. and I finally ordered the Mossery 2017 Planner. 
It ships directly to Saudi Arabia unlike most of the websites above. 


What about you, have you got your 2017 planner yet? 
