Hmmm, what else?

I've been tagged by Pinkish to write 10 honest things about me. I tried to do it befoe, but
nothing came out, I feel like there's nothing left to write after that 50 things tag!
Anyway, I decided to give it a real shot, clicked New Post... and here we go xD

1- I judge people on how they look, although I'm trying not to, but I can't help it!

2- I love Starbucks not for its quality, but for its fame, and I kinda love the logo. Shallow huh?

3- I say what I don't mean, I show what I don't really feel. I hide a lot and tell a little.

4- I always imagine the worst that could happen.

5- I don't get impressed that easily, I just don't like anything lol.

6- I'm a hater. Pure hater, sorry but I don't like to act all lovely kind of girl, that's the truth.
When I hate someone, I just hate them from the deepest bottom of my heart.

7- Planning is my thing. I love to plan for everything, make to-do lists, want-list, anything.
Plan for my day, my week ends and how to spend my allowance, and then I do nothing from
what I planned before, maybe little things, but I don't accomplish them all!

8- Sometimes, I get drift away with my emotions and act upon them.

9- I don't close my eyes or sing when I'm in the bathroom. I'm scared to!

10- I have my own happy place, so when I get mad or sad, I just go there and rest my head.

I tag anyone who likes to do it ^^,


  1. Nice list! Your a frank person sweetie. I always drift away by my emotions too and I have a lot a lot of emotions.

  2. yea, these were honest! :Dand btw, I can assure you, closing your eyes and singing in the shower wont get you killed :p~ ciao

  3. Zara ,, aah don't you just hate when act upon them and rgret later :/// Raisa ,, lool i know i don't know why i'm afraid to do them, i guess i'm scared that maybe when i open my eyes, i'll find a monster standing in front of me :s

  4. Yup I always felt regret =( I hate it! LOL @ finding a monster, you're watching too much horror movies sweetie =P

  5. LOL @ am a hater !!! you dont seem like one =P nice list btw !!

  6. Zara .. I knowwww !! not only monsters, but walking dead people, killed or Moshowheen, crazy people.. gosh I'm the one who crazy O.o MashMosh .. don't let me hate you, so you could clearly see :p


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