The 1st Annual Law Forum; DAH.


Now, I can say that I'm back to normal! The last month, we were stressing over planning this event. There was a time when I thought that we are going to cancel it, and there were other times when I thought it is going to be an utter disaster!

I have learned a lot working with people like my co-workers; persistence, optimism and patience. The experience itself was overwhelming, the whole preparations and all that planning were amazing. There was a lot of mistakes in planning and organizing and it's normal for it was our first big event. I don't regret them, I only wish if I could do another event and make it better than the first one!

I can't talk about the event itself because I wasn't listening to the speakers, I was busy organizing and worrying about million stuff all in one time!

And now, that we are done with it.. I am proud to be a part of the team and I am extremely happy that Dr. Wahy was satisfied!


  1. Congrats babe! What was the whole forum about? Seriously I would love to attend some law seminars if I'm in KSA. I'm a English law graduate, I never know how's country like KSA run, I mean the law and system! Would love to get to know more about that :)

  2. nothing like great experiences at work

  3. mashallah that's really great .. I wish I can organize an event one day , but you should give me tips first :] or arrange a workshop for that !

  4. Thank you! Well, first it was about the Saudi law system, fair trial and Dr. Walid Fitaihi's topic was more related to society than law.. it was all fun and informative al7amdillah! Enshallah! If you came to KSA, just contact Dar Al Hekma college, maybe they will have some events at that time!

  5. Enshallah you do! Well, between me and you, I didn't know what I was doing either haha.. I just went on and do everything step by step xD But if there is anything you want to ask, you are most welcome!!


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