Hypocricy gotten in a different level..

Personally, I didn't think that someone like this could exist!
Although several people had warned about her before..
but I couldn't see what they saw!
When I told my sister about what happened, she
said that it was my fault to trust people I know from the internet..
But gosh, she was my friend for five, four years?!

Well the story goes like this:
A girl asked my e-mail one year ago, we started chatting casually,
I liked her, she liked me .. and that's it..
Then, our relationship got deeper. We started talking about private
stuff, our problems and that kind of things.. We became real friends!
Then she felt guilty one day, and felt she had to tell me what she has
heard before... from who's supposed to be my FRIEND!!!

That back-stabber has told the girl that she should be aware of me!
Because I don't deserve to be a friend with anyone.. Abee3 9a7batii!!!
I sucked it up, I wasn't so surprised by that..
But then, what I really couldn't take, the fact that she told the girl my
extra extraaaaaa private secrets!!!!!

I mean why in the earth she would tell someone that is not so close
to her, not so close to me - in that time - these kind of things!!!!!

Wait wait!! It's not over yet..
I confronted her.. she denied it in oh-I'm-so-innocent-I-don't-need-to-
defend-myself way!!! But even so outrageous, yet so funny,
everytime I invite that girl in the same convo. she runs away!!
It's like she can't even talk to that girl, because she can't deny it in front
of her, which of course would be so embarrassing for her..

Now that was so awfully disgusting!! I couldn't believe my eyes, was she
for REAL!!! I don't think there's a real honest bone in her body anyway!!
And what makes it worse?
She was making this campaign about Al-'3eeba!!!
( Talking about people behind their back )
Seriously?? I mean SERIOUSLY??!!!!

How could she do it? we were friends, I used to call her when I'm sad
crying my eyes out, and she used to help me to make me feel better..
She once has slipped and told me one of her internet buddies were so
extremely happy for my engagement.
I asked her about it and she changed the subject.
I didn't think much about it, but now I'm giving myself this hard
time why didn't I notice those signals!!! Everything proves that I'm right,
the things that got out, she was the only one who knows about them.
They way she reacted, and how she ran away and left the group convo.
without saying a word..
She could confess and say that she's sorry, but NOOOO!
She's so saint she don't do mistakes :x

I pity her and I pity each one of her friends, I bet they're talking about
each other behind each others' back!!!

Thank god I got rid of her, I don't need this kind of person in my life..
&& I'm so grateful for you emoosha, without you I would never know..
I know you used to hate me because of what she said, but you saw the
real ME, and that I was so different from what she was spreading about
me.. You know what they say..

P.S I love you sahar :*


  1. thank god that U finally find the real “her”! take care of ur self noufa <3

  2. Aww what a mess wallah, she is so messed up! Thank God you know the devil behind the pretty face! Hun, just don't mixed around too much, girls they had just too much to talk.

  3. that's awful O_O take care of urself hun from pple like that ..

  4. yeah al7mdellaah < 3333

  5. OMG, what a backstabber!! Glad you got rid of her and be careful not to share intimate secrets with just anyone.. remember a secret is no longer a secret if it passed through your lips :)
    Take care, you deserve better :)


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