Beyond explaination..

I'm so ashamed and frustrated it got me to write this post. If you want to know one thing about people in Jeddah, it's their love and adoration for rain! It's rare to have rain in Jeddah, but one day it rained real hard it made day into night, we couldn't decide if it's 9 a.m or p.m. When the rain stopped, people went to hang out in the beautiful weather, which is something people usually do after rain. What was least expected is ..

And instead of enjoying the beautiful weather, they ...

* Don't watch this if you're too sensitive *

I don't know what to say. I'm mad, sad and I just can't believe that such a thing can happen in one of the richest countries in the world, I'm so ashamed!
It's only greed and dishonesty of the authorities that caused disasters to innocent people, and who's to blame? Everyone!! Even King Abdullah who absolutely knows nothing about what snakes and skunks are doing to the country. What bothers me the most, is that he gives everything for other countries and he helps Lebanon, Vietnam, Pakistan.. you name it, but nothing is being actually done for Jeddah. I'm disgustingly ashamed when I remember when the Saudi T.V stopped their shows just to collect donations for Pakistan and some Asian country, but regarding to Jeddah, the shows are on as usual and the news keep telling lies after bunch of lies..
Thank god for having such good-hearted people who started charity campaigns to collect and send donations, which I was a part of it for a day and I got to say, I'm proud of them!
I hope if we have more of them to take care of Jeddah and fix what skunks have destroyed.
I just can't say anything anymore. It's a shame, it's a shame, it's a shame!!


  1. :) I love this post! Everyone from Jeddah should read it!

  2. after watching the videos u've posted last week i had the worst nightmares , what makes it harder on me Knowing that ppl lived that :'( i had to go on pills

    :'( my mind on rest untill we see them on court

  3. Thank you girls for your lovely comments.. allah ykoon b3oonhom ya rab and hopefully this kind of thing won't happen again..


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