Holding back the tears in an empty coffe shop.

It have been a long while since I enjoyed a book. I used to call my readings
" indulging ", because I live in every book I read. I got busy with life & school,
and even if I tried to read, I couldn't ! So, instead of actually reading a book,
I was browsing and reading reviews for several books and making a book-list.
Lovely Bones was on the top of my list, I bought it and I left it on my un-read
shelf. Until one of my friend told me she's reading it! I picked it up today and
I started reading the first three chapters. It's normal to cry at the end of movies
or books, because always ending are so touching, but I have never cried at the
beginning! If that's only the beginning, I can't imagine how the end would be </3


  1. read (The Little Prisoner),and i bet u that u'll cry from the 1st page to the end.It's so touching wallah u won't bear what is happening inside the book :(

  2. definitely on my books list!


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