Inspired by Oprah hehe xD

Are you rude?

I saw this episode yesterday, and I've been thinking about things
I do that might hurt someone else and be considered rude!
And all what I came up is just two points:

- I ignore perfume+brochure guys, they actually hand me the samples
and I keep on walking like I didn't see them!
- If I were in a shopping store and someone offered me a help that I don't
need, I just wave over my shoulder and walk away. Sometimes, I just walk
away without saying something!

But I'm not that rude, I say thank you, excuse me Mrs.-Mr. and please... etc
So are you rude ?


  1. You're doing just fine! you have me for instance I'm so rude to shop workers, I can picture them cussing me after i leave their store! You know once I've been told "Hello ma'm? I'm talking to you, could you please look at least"I'm really sorry it's not something i do on purpose I'm just very self-conscious around new figures. So I totally understand

  2. no i don't think it's rude but you should just smile and nod as if you saw them and that's a sign to let them no that you don't need anything from them it always works i guess form me it does!!;p and even though you ignore them they don't give a shit cause millions did the same or even gave them the middle finger and don't say that it doesn't happen it does i saw a girl that did that i don't really know what the hell she was thinking but i think she's pissed or she's just born rude!!;p soo noo that isn't rude at all!!;p

  3. you're HERE ! yeah that's what i mean, it's just out of my hands, i can't talk to them unless i really need a help :s Meemz .. after your comment i feel like i'm a saint !


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