Nouf's Potatos & Salad!

Well, I don't have a clever name to call it but still I made this meal
and it's my first time making a decent meal so give me a break!
I was hungry one day and had a feeling to cook something which
is totally new for me, I guess it's all because that cooking channels
mom watches all the time!! Anyhow, let's get back to our meal.

First it's so simple and quick. And surely it fulfills late-night
craves hehee.. It included butter, so freaky don't-wanna-get-
fat-let's-count-calories girls, it's not for you but you can't use
olive oil instead, didn't try it but sounds yums!

Make your salad first then put in the fridge while making
the potatoes.
Take out 2 middle-sized potatoes, wash them good LOL

Put them in the Microwave and press the Baked Potatoes button.

If it's not available in yours just press 4:20 LOL
Then what? Yeah take the hot baked potatoes out and chop them
in random cube.. Don't peel them off, they taste better like that.
It adds a flavor!

Set up those things you see in the picture.
- Salt
- Vinegar
- Pepper
- Red Paprika
- Little cube of butter
- Italian something.. just go creative!
- Soya sauce, I guess?!

Just put the stuff all together in the hot pan and just keep moving
it till it turns gold and yums! And that's it! Oh yeah get your salad
out from the fridge, the meal is not perfect without the salad!
You can add that cesar salad's sauce to it if you want. I do that <33
Now to the final look for the dish...


  1. Mmmm I love potato with mayo! OMG I was wondering if everyone is in the cooking mood lately?!

  2. sounds yummmy!
    btw lovvvvved ur new header <3

  3. Charade .. You can do whatever you want, i mean you're the one who's gonna eat it LOL

    C .. I don't know, it's a like a harmless flu or something!!

    zina .. it "is" yummy you should try it!! .. and thanks Z !

  4. Can I add salad dressing instead of Italian something? I'm not sure I have that.

    (Will try it .. if I died I'll come back from the dead and hunt you)


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