The Awesome-est Gift Unwrapped!

Iqraa Umma unwrapped their awesome gift today in Dar Al Hekma college. The gift  turned out to be truly revolutionary, it was the last thing I could think of. I have waited long enough for them to unwrap the gift, it was so exciting.. so without further a due, let me tell you what the gift was..


















For the first time in Saudi Arabia, and it was provided by group of students; Iqraa Ummah. It's such an amazing effort from the student, I have read about this kind of vending machines being installed in air-ports all around the world, and now I see it present in a college in Saudi Arabia. It is a promising step in promoting reading and the awesomeness of books.



  1. That is so awesome! So how does it work, and have you gotten anything from it? :D

  2. owh its finally there i was excited when i first heard about there plan & now my question is will it be only in DAH? what about the other colleges? it would be amazing if CBA got one <3

  3. wow !!! that's BRILLIANT !!!
    so creative and exciting ! I bet the the machine is going to be empty from the first week !
    that's something to be proud of !

  4. OMG xD <3 <3 <3 <3
    What A.........!
    *speechless* + *tears* :')

  5. What about other public places in Jeddah, not only colleges? :D

  6. It works like any other vending machine, I haven't tried it yet I didn't like the books xD

  7. Haha, I'll pass by it tomorrow and see xD it's really something great!

  8. It would be amazing if it's going to be in all the public places and colleges!!

  9. For now, it's only in DAH but I hope we'll see it everywhere by the end of the year!!

  10. interesting, i like.

    how can we get some here in the UAE??!!

  11. Now that's something! That's pure awesomeness. Would've loved to have one of those at KAU, too.
    Who chooses which books to be sold through the vending machine? The girls of Iqraa Ummah, I guess.
    You know what would be interesting? Following the book flow to see if it is going to be truly successful here in Saudi Arabia or not. I believe DAH is a good choice for starting.
    Public places? I do highly disagree with the idea. I know we want to spread book awareness and all but I don't think it's very practical. In less than a month it'll be broken down by vandalizers, trust me.

    Anyway, amazing idea and hopefully it works out so we can spread this to other places as well.


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