Draw a Breath and Write a Word.

It might sound weird to write about writing but truth to be said, writing is to breath for me. The written word is my oxygen; I read to inhale and write to exhale. Lately, I have been reading more than writing, and how can a person live with too much air in their lungs. They will either float in the sky or explode and blow all their insides out.

Think about this, how about having all your moments, thoughts, feelings, energy and every single drop of blood and sweat preserved in a delicate jar of glass you thought it's invincible, and one day, it's not there! Will you suffocate to death or rush to pick a plastic bag to breath inside?

I feel ridiculous lamenting over lost documents.. the thing is I never realized they would leave a hole in my heart if they disappeared. The void in my soul and mind is almost unbearable, the words I have produced are never going to rewritten, and the things I wrote about are never the same to me. I only wish if there is a brain time machine, to shut my eyes and travel back in time, to grasp my words and pull them back to the present time, to have them back and have my breathing steady and calm.

Let's not dwell on lost words..

I made sure to post a photo of J.K Rowling in this entry to tone down the desperation in my words and to shed a hopeful light..


  1. lets install Mac OS X in your brain! :D

    Beautiful words ,, really what u write at a certain time can not be rewritten maybe because of the feelings that make you write those words can not be re-felt ! =)

    best luck to you

  2. The funny thing that I do use Macbook!!!
    Exactly, that's why it's so hard to me to re-write it all over again :(


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