Happy Spring Break!

Today was the longest day I had since I started working, I have been anticipating this break for a week. The time was passing so slowly and work wasn't helping. Eventually, the sweet hour-4 finally arrived and the day ended splendidly!

I'm going to spend my break catching up with my reading and every T.V. show I missed. I will sleep, lay down in every corner in the house, stretch and workout. I am hoping I will finish Looking for Alaska and find The Hunger Games and start reading it! Writing is on my break-agenda, too.

That's it, I want to be at home most of the time, I need to save up my energy for what comes after the break!
So, enough about me, what's your Spring Break plan?


  1. yay I'm excited for this break cause I'm gonna start work after lol ..
    enjoy your week <3

  2. excited here too
    i hope you enjoy it

  3. wishing you a heppe spring break! enjoy it to the max ;) actually i’m going back to work this Sunday ;P

  4. That's something to be excited for!!! Congrats Mai!! Make sure you'll enjoy this week too because you're going to work your ass off :p

  5. Awwwh, I'm sure you had a break before that :p
    Thanks Zina, I'll have fun enshalla xD

  6. Haha, lazm you get excited ;p Thank you, I will!

  7. i'll be spending this break searching for a proper university for me next year in shaa Allah :")

    enjoy your break !


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