Book: Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson

Freshman year at Merryweather High is not going well for Melinda Sordino. She busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops, and now her friends—and even strangers—all hate her. So she stops trying, stops talking. She retreats into her head, and all the lies and hypocrisies of high school become magnified, leaving her with no desire to talk to anyone anyway. But it’s not so comfortable in her head, either—there’s something banging around in there that she doesn’t want to think about. She can’t just go on like this forever. Eventually, she’s going to have to confront the thing she’s avoiding, the thing that happened at the party, the thing that nobody but her knows. She’s going to have to speak the truth.

My rating: Solid 5 out of 5!

I'm so happy that I decided to read this book, I was planning to put it off for later, I'm glad I changed my mind! The synopsis above says a lot about the story, and lord was it a heart breaking story! I was so captivated with the book from the very first page, I couldn't put it down I finished it in 3 days. I would have finish it in one day if I wasn't so busy. Melinda, the main character was so real even though she is quiet most of the time but her pain was showing even in the silent pauses. The author was brilliant in writing this book, it was obviously meant for a younger generation but I believe it's a kind of book that adults will enjoy, too. The book encourages girls to stand up for themselves and hold their heads high without changing a bit in their personality and that they should proud they way they are. Speak was banned when it was first published, and it was challenged from libraries and schools for its strong message. Personally, I would let my daughter read it in a very young age. Speak instantly became one of my favorite books.. I'm looking forward to read more books for Laurie Halse Anderson!


  1. Love your review, in my must-read list :)

  2. Loved the review! I'm really excited to read this one, it's on my TBR pile
    too bad someone accidentally spoiled the plot for me on youtube *blah* oh well,
    I hear people are also praising her other book Wintergirls, check it out


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