The Day I Met Hilary Clinton.

It was one of my favorite days in my entire life. On Monday, I got a call from Arwa my darling telling me that they want us to go to Dar Al-Hekma college to meet Hilary Clinton! My reaction was like this: "HAHAHAHA, Who?" YES, Hilary Clinton! She was in Jeddah yesterday to meet with us the students. She was so inspiring and her words are so encouraging. What inspired me the most is when she said that the world is getting younger. It gave me the hope that we could change the world, we are the youth who have the power to make everything better. Other than her speech, Hilary was so down to earth and beautiful! Yeah she was prettier and much younger than how she looks on TV. She was so smart in how she dealt with some stupid questions.. oh well of course she's smart! I used to like her before, I watched couple of documentaries about her and admired her, but now I love her. I don't if it's just because I'm so thrilled that I met her in person hehe xD But honestly, she was great! I sat in the front row with my friends and I had the chance to give her my journal to sign it for me. It was definitely a day I will never forget.


  1. That sounds so interesting. I wish i was there, too.

  2. OMG I Was There As Well It Was One Of My Best Days Ever I Totally Agree With Everything You Said & I Even Loved Her More After That Day =)

  3. Mashallah that's amazing!!
    Lucky you xx

  4. Madness.. It was great, you'd love it..
    Heba.. Awwww wouldn't be amazing if we met?? Yalla next time enshalla ;p
    Bliss.. Thank you :*

  5. Oh great, you get to meet THE Hilary Clinton...and I meet stupid Emarati singers and that dude who crosses his eyes in 6ash ma 6ash! Gee thanks Universe >:(

    However, I am happy for you. It does seems like a day worth remembering. :')


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