A New Age for Women.. Not Really.

A royal speech after the national day, it must be some good news, right? Last night, on Sunday 25 of September, 2011, Papi Abdullah announced some mind-blowing news. The women of Saudi Arabia have now the right to be in Al Shoura Council and have the right to vote starting from next years. Hooray hooray, we have new stuff to do but wait, should my mahram, guardian, agree first? See, here is the thing that I will never understand about Saudi Arabia, they are trying to catch up with the rest of the world but in the same time they don't want to let go of some of the factors that holding the people back.

I'm happy that women are finally being acknowledged in Al Shoura Council because couple of months ago, they were being ridiculed in newspapers by some officials just because they wanted to vote! I just want to see those bastards' faces, who's the stupid now? Oh, we still are.

Don't go overboard with the excitement. Have you ever really thought about it? Will women make a change in this council, or they will be just extra names in the list? Will the qualified get a spot or it will be strictly for the big names and the elite of the society? I'm really not sure about how this will go. And if those women were strong, smart and absolutely qualified for this position, will they be heard and taken seriously? How the male members of the council will act when they are the same people who are not allowing women to drive? Where the women will sit and discuss the country? Will they be separated from the men? If not, wouldn't that be hypocritical from them trying to oppose gender separation but not in their council?

There are too many unanswered questions in my little head. I still can't understand Saudi Arabia. Why do they jump to make big decisions without fixing minor obstacles first?

If they will allow women to vote, it will make more sense if they'd give them their right in independency, first. If a woman wants to get elected in Al Shoura Council or whatever they do it in here, will she need her guardian's signature for pretty much everything?

Wait this is better. "Oh look, that woman is a Shoura member! But still she can't drive her own car." Bahahaha. You know, that's why mommy always says shower before wearing your new clothes. Take some notes, Saudi Arabia.


  1. You spoke my head. It's a good step, yet there's so much more to do.

  2. it's all more talk we need action we need rules that actually enhance our life
    plus we've seen women role in college they are worst than men there

  3. "You know, that's why mommy always says shower before wearing your new clothes. Take some notes, Saudi Arabia."

    I know I'm reading this very late, but I so liked this line.


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