For All the Bookworms! is one of the most amazing virtual bookshelf/websites. Recently, one of the Goodreaders made a reading challenge where you have to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Yasmine Al-Fouzan, an active goodreader, who has 570 books in her shelf can possibly pull this challenge off, and if you think you can do it yourself, hop on and join the group, 52 books in 52 weeks,2011.

To know more about the challenge, you can visit this blog. There are still 6 days left to start making your list, if you still have couple of books you still haven't read or books you have always wanted to buy and read, this is your chance. Actually, this kind of challenge can boost your reading energy because everyone else in the group is looking for reading your review about your books, and because you can pick whatever you want to read.

This challenge is different than book clubs, group members don't have to read the same book and discuss it afterward. They only have to read books of their own choice and share their opinions about these books with the rest of the group. Maybe, you share a book or two with another member and you can all discuss it.

I joined the group and made my 52-books list, it's not finished, yet because I made sure I don't add a book in this list unless I do have it! So, I divided my to-read list into two sections, the books I already have and added them in the 52-books list, and the books I want to read and own but I still haven't bought them, yet. I'm so excited for this group and I can see the rest of the members are excited, too.


  1. I think YOU should go for it .. and after I'll read your reviews , because as far as I know you have an interesting book choices :D

  2. Oh thanks! Well, I don't have a certain genre of books, I like to try different types of books and I like them all! Well, it's too bad you won't be joining the group, i'm sure it won't be a burden, think it over!


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