It's About Time, Jeddah!

It's no secret that Jeddah is one of the most polluted cities in the whole world. I have been seeing this ads everywhere I go, it's an ad for some sort of a litter prevention campaign. I hope the fee of 150 SR will stop people from throwing garbage from their cars. They should generalize this new rule and include the beach because it's embarrassingly filthy.


  1. they should also right it in all the drivers language

    wallah eza 3al beach lazem lazem allah yehdehom

  2. Yeah I've been wondering about the same thing, I didn't see these signs in English! LOL we'd as well leave the beach for rats xD

  3. good , and they should also put fees for those who spit in public it's so disgusting

  4. Oh god, that will be so perfect.. that if they could manage to catch all the spitters!


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